What can RTT be used for?


Reported case of Depression or experiencing suicidal thoughts are increasing at an extremely fast rate in young people.

Research has suggested that there is a link between depression and having emotional needs that have not been met. Depression is not a chemical or biological disorder that they acquire or inherit.

If a person feels they do not belong to a group or community or they do not feel valued by others in their life or by themselves, or not believing there is a future for them of they have no purpose in life these people may be extremely high risk of suffering from some form of depression or at wors experience suicidal thoughts.

RTT is really effective at treating all forms of depression by getting to the understand the reason behind the depression. Many clients leave the session feeling relieved as massive weight has been lifted and feeling lighter in themselves. RTT will provide an understanding to the depression and helps clients feel calm, balanced and at ease.


Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety is not just considered a mental health issue where a person is consultants worrying about everything and anything whether it’s rational or irrational will trigger extremely terrifying physical symptoms.

The symptoms of this condition can appear as fatigue, low sleep disorder, pain in the body, palpitations, tightness in the chest area, shortness of breath and not being able to speak and many more.

If stress and anxiety are not addressed quickly and positively it can result into a chronic condition which can cause a serious threat the physical and emotional well being.

RTT  has fantastic results in freeing clients from those scary anxious feelings of panic, trembling, upset stomach etc.

Weight problems

With the obesity rate increasing not just in adults but also in children. Being overweight affects 1 in every 4 adults in the UK. And 1 in every 5 children are also affected.  Carrying excess weight can cause many health problems like type 2 diabetes, heart disease,  stroke and many more. All these health conditions are controlled by medications. It can also affect your quality of life and can lead to depression and low self esteem.

If losing weight or maintaining a healthy weight is a struggle? RTT can help by reprogramming your mind to improve your relationship with food. Providing freedom from cravings like sugar, fatty foods and junk food. It will help with portion sizes and many more food addictions


Low Self Confidence and Low Self Esteem

Having low self confidence or low self esteem means you hide away from many situations in life, you stop trying new things and you avoid things that put you outside of your comfort zone. Experiencing low self confidence or low self esteem can affect your mental health and can lead to depression and anxiety.

The feeling that you are not good enough or not worthy are the root cause of low self confidence and low self esteem. RTT transforms clients lives by freeing them from their insecurities. Helping clients improve their self confidence and self esteems in all areas of their lives and to give them the confidence to follow their dreams.


Addiction is where you don’t have control over doing, taking or using something so much that it can be harmful to you. Addiction is most commonly linked to, drugs, alcohol, smoking and gambling. But unfortunately you can be addicted to anything.

Most addictions can make you feel good and give you that “high” feeling which then results in you craving that feel feeling. And not having that feeling can cause the unpleasant feeling of withdrawal symptoms or having a “come down”. Which makes you carry on because you don’t want to feel the “come down”. Addictions can get out of control and in many cases cause real harm to your health.

It also affects the whole family. Children of addicts can experience mental health issues, physical health issues, neurological development problems, and problems with social development.

RTT can get to the root cause of the addiction and to allow healing to take place. It will reprogram a clients thoughts so they are no longer drawn to that addiction.

Childhood Problems

A lot of how we are today has resulted from our childhood. We take the interpretation of events as a child into adulthood. This can cause issues when you become and adult. You maybe experiencing all sorts of issues and can't figure out why you are suffering. With the help of RTT you can find the reasons why you are suffering and change that child belief and turn it into a strong positive one which will free you from all those old beliefs that have been holding you back.


Becoming a better parent
Fears or phobias
Panic Attacks
Weight issues
Interview skills
Driving skills and test
Working with children
Pain Control
Sight/Vision issues
Skin Problems
and many more